Is Radio Dying A Slow Death? It CAN Be Avoided — Mark Edwards Worldwide
Is Radio Dying A Slow Death? It CAN Be Avoided — Mark Edwards Worldwide
A new study says the radio industry is in steep decline. While many agree, there are those who aren’t buying it. Media Observer Mark Edwards explains.
TV Commercial Creators Don’t Consider How People Watch TV Commercials — Mark Edwards Worldwide
With more and more people NOT looking at TV commercials, why do creators insist on not using the sound on their spots to sell the product?
Radio, An Industry Based On Hundred Year Old Technology, Creeps Toward Irrelevance Thanks To 21st Century Tech-Medium
Two things happened last week that made me realize again that the advantages local radio stations traditionally had in serving their…
Mark’s 2016 NLCS Predictions (MLB Blog Post and Video)
It’s no secret that I would like to see the Chicago Cubs win the World Series. It’s also no secret that the Cubs have gotten close, oh so close, and let me and millions of other …
The Power Of Your Network During A Job Search-LinkedIn
August 16, 2016. The day the startup I was working for went under. Well, technically they’re still in business, but when they told the remaining employees to “find another job”, I’d call that going
Why Your Blog And Website Are More Important Than Facebook – Mark Edwards Worldwide
There’s a lot to be covered here, much of which you’ve seen if you’re a brand marketer or someone who likes seeing your personal Facebook updates read by most of your followers. I’m not going to repeat things that have been posted all over the Interwebz in the last couple of months, you can see… Read More »
In Praise Of The Under Appreciated HR Director
In 2014, the best Human capital is what businesses need to win, and that puts a lot of pressure on HR
St. Louis-A Tale Of Two Cities, Again
I’ve been hesitant to write this post for quite a while because I rely on the taxis in St. Louis to get around since I’m visually…
I’ve Seen A Technology That Can Change Lives For The Blind and Visually Impaired
I’ve not made a secret about the fact that I’m visually handicapped. It’s been part of my life since birth, I’m not ashamed of it, and I think I’ve done a pretty good job in a world that was never
Mark Edwards Uncensored: Two Decades Of Ross
A father celebrates the birthday of his miracle son, overcoming obstacles for two decades
Why Cardinals Fans Should Root For The Cubs Wednesday
Well, it’s finally happened. The Cubs are in the playoffs. And while I still think 2016 will be the Season Of A Dream for the Cubs, one never knows what the boys have up their sleeves. After …
Staying Focused When Confronted By Adversity | Inspire Me Today®
I was born, as they would say today, visually handicapped. That means I’ve had to adapt my life in countless ways. And I’ve learned that if you don’t adapt