Media Jobs Vaporize In Last Ten Years

By | February 4, 2013
It’s been a while since I’ve posted to this blog because of all my activities for the Tesh Media Group, but I thought this post belonged here because it so dramatically shows the state of the media industry, and it isn’t pretty.  Thanks to Business Insider for the post.  

How Jobs In The Media Industry Got Demolished In The Last 10 Years [Charts]

Joe Weisenthal | Jan. 30, 2013, 3:53 PM | 19,613 | 5

The internet has caused massive disruption across the media landscape, causing a surge in job insecurity at traditional establishments.

But now we have a good look at the numbers.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has put together a presentation on the recent history and direction of media jobs. It’s not pretty.
Across several different industries (radio, TV, newspapers, film, etc.) there’s been a steady downward march in employment.

Total media jobs peaked at the beginning of the decade.

Employment in the book/periodical/music industry has been on a steady downward trend, and in 2011 the bottom completely fell out of the industry.

Sound recording? Same deal.

You don’t even want to look at the falloff in newspaper reporting.

Radio? Oof.

Motion picture distribution has been on an ugly trend (thanks Netflix).

On the flipside, production employment has been all over the map, but not that bad.

Television broadcasting jobs hav gone down.

But at least internet publishing is up!

There are many media jobs where growth is expected. Unfortunately for reporters, reporters aren’t one of them.

Unionization across the media/information landscape has been on an ongoing decline.

And of course, here’s the culprit. The internet.

The good news! Although job security is not good, workplace safety is better than in the average field.

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