Category Archives: Mass media

TV Commercial Creators Don’t Consider How People Watch TV Commercials

I’m a “Digital Guy”, but today I want to opine about TV commercials. If you’re a Digital Marketer, you probably spend a lot of time thinking of, or at least hearing about User Experience or UX. How many clicks does it take to get to the Buy Button? Will the user be able to see… Read More »

Radio Again Marginalized By New Technology

Two things happened last week that made me realize again that the advantages local radio stations traditionally had in serving their communities are being marginalized by technology. Listeners can get the critical news and information they once could only get from their hometown radio station in a multitude of places and platforms and they’re using… Read More »

Radio Continues To Have A “Missing Link” To Listeners

I spend a lot of time listening to the radio. All kinds of radio, from AM and FM stations to Pandora, Stitcher, Beats Audio, and a plethora of other streaming services.  And to be clear, if it’s sound coming our of a speaker, it’s radio.  Period. After having spent more than three decades programming radio stations,… Read More »

Media Jobs Vaporize In Last Ten Years

It’s been a while since I’ve posted to this blog because of all my activities for the Tesh Media Group, but I thought this post belonged here because it so dramatically shows the state of the media industry, and it isn’t pretty.  Thanks to Business Insider for the post.   How Jobs In The Media… Read More »