Category Archives: Blog

The 2015 Internet Trends Report Is Out! The 2015 Internet Trends Report Is Out!

For someone who studies the Internet, today is the day we borrow the infamous line from Steve Martin in “The Jerk“. It excites me every year with Mary Meeker from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers releases her yearly Internet Trends Report. It may be the very best look at the state of the Internet, and how it… Read More »

Why Your Blog And Website Are More Important Than Facebook

There’s a lot to be covered here, much of which you’ve seen if you’re a brand marketer or someone who likes seeing your personal Facebook updates read by most of your followers.  I’m not going to repeat things that have been posted all over the Interwebz in the last couple of months, you can see… Read More »

Greetings And Salutations!

I really thought I’d never start another blog.  I’ve got blogs everywhere.  There’s Mark Edwards Uncensored, Mark Edwards Rants, Mark Edwards 3.0, Mark Edwards Unlimited even Mark’s Cubs Worship Pulpit.  To a lesser or greater extent, those blogs are sort of general interest, with the exception of the blog dedicated to the Chicago Cubs. This… Read More »