Mark Edwards Worldwide Client Tesh Media Group Completes Development Of New TV Show

One of Mark Edwards’ biggest projects at the Tesh Media Group was taking the company into the world of Branded Content and online video. This week, the Tesh Media Group announced they had completed development of the “Intelligence For Your Life” TV show, set to air in the Fall of 2014. Many of the concepts… Read More »

A New Chapter For Mark Edwards Worldwide

I wanted you to know about a decision I’ve made. As I see the digital media landscape unfolding and the opportunities to create a myriad of highly effective content growing, I’m returning to working with selected clients at the consultancy I’ve run since 2007, Mark Edwards Worldwide. This move will allow me to maximize my time… Read More »

Media Jobs Vaporize In Last Ten Years

It’s been a while since I’ve posted to this blog because of all my activities for the Tesh Media Group, but I thought this post belonged here because it so dramatically shows the state of the media industry, and it isn’t pretty.  Thanks to Business Insider for the post.   How Jobs In The Media… Read More »

Arbitron Could Learn A Thing Or Two From Nielsen

From the Radio Beat: Arbitron, the radio ratings company, has been beset with criticism for its Portable People Meter (PPM) and diary methods of audience measurement.  Programmers in PPM markets readily admit that they have made decisions about what they air and how they promote their stations based solely on the vagueness of the PPM. It looks like… Read More »

Leading Social Media Blogger Says "Hire Mark Edwards"

One of the most listened to voices in the Social Media world belongs to Sarah Evans and her blog Sarah’s Faves.  Sarah has become a leading Social Media thinker and has just joined the company Trackly as Chief Evangelist.  She’s well known in Public Relations and Social Media circles as an innovator, big thinker, and one of… Read More »

John Tesh (of all people) erasing the line between streaming service and radio station

The following post is from The Music Meeting, my blog about music for grown ups. I’m a huge believer that the future of music is mobile, whether it be listening in the car, on a smartphone, or on some kind of device that we haven’t even thought of yet. That being said, I’m very intrigued… Read More »

Jacobs Media Techsurvey 8 Infographic Of Doom

Highly regarded radio consultant Jacobs Media released their annual Techsurvey over the weekend, this one being the eighth installment in the series and looking at over 57,000 radio listeners listening to 170 stations in 12 different radio formats.  That’s a LOT of data to wade through. In order to get the “top line” information out quickly,… Read More »